Nambour ready for Jack Attack

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Nambour ready for Jack Attack

Team event targeting a new brigade

Nambour ready for Jack AttackAn exciting new game called Jack Attack promises to set the greens alight at the Nambour Bowls Club, as the Nambour Weekly reports.

The local club is delighted to host the inaugural Jack Attack competition on the Sunshine Coast.

The six-week team event will be conducted on Thursday evenings at 6pm with the first round scheduled for February 19.

The competition is aimed at new bowlers and involves games between teams of three self-selected players, with power plays, tie-breakers and substitutions among the innovative rules, and games lasting a little over one hour.

When visiting recently to announce the new competition, Bowls Australia regional bowls manager Mark Casey said Jack Attack would appeal to busy people because of its funky and fun format and short playing time.

Promoted as the short, sharp and snappy way to play lawn bowls, Casey said

“the format makes it a great social activity for small and large workplaces, friends, community and other sporting groups.”

Nambour Bowls Club deputy chairman Graham Morton said the club jumped at the chance to get involved.

“We recognised the limited spare time which many people have these days and the need to cater for those wishing to combine a little social life with a healthy challenge,” he said.

“With music playing over the greens while games are in progress, an enjoyable experience is assured and Jack Attack will prove to be a great networking medium for individuals and businesses alike.”

The club seeks expressions of interest from teams wishing to participate in its first Jack Attack event next month.

Cost of entry is $10 per player per night with weekly and overall competition prizes on offer.

For details, visit and or contact the club (5441 1076).

Tags: Jack AttackMark CaseyNambour